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From Beginners to Expert Excel  Level.

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advanced ecel online course
Covers Excel Versions 2007, 2010 & 2013.

Looking for an Excel course for Beginners up to  Expert Level.

And unlike our competitors , our course comes  with Full Email & Chat Support.

This online Excel course has something for everyone, covering beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons in Excel. It is available for individuals and groups.

In our high definition video lessons by experienced certified trainers , you will learn


Whether you use Excel for work or study, this online Excel course will start you on your journey to becoming  the ‘Go To Excel person’ and boost  your career with our Excel Certificates.


The course is Microsoft Excel 2007,  2010, 2013  compliant. Videos are recorded in Microsoft Excel 2010 and 2013  and where the user interface is significantly different, Excel 2007 videos are provided too.


Become Fluent In Excel:


Within a couple of weeks you will  become  fluent in Excel, allowing you to streamline your work , transform your firm’s spreadsheets and help  your  colleagues , as you transform yourself  into the ‘go to Excel Person’


Remember , our Online Excel course includes all levels of Excel  in one package.


How it works:


After you join, you can work  through the course on your own or if you prefer, one of our tutor’s can personalize the course for you.


From this,  your job position  and your daily usage of Excel, they  will create a personalized program for you to follow  together with a timetable to follow.

Your tutor will be available  for questions, help and discipline  until you reach your Excel Goals.

Proof of your Excel Knowledge: Get Certified.


To prove your knowledge to your employer or prospective employer, you can take an online test at the end of each Level to get a  certificate for that level which are  recognized throughout the world.

Our online Excel  course covers Excel versions  2007,2010 & 2013.

See the Video below  for a quick tour of our Excel Training Course and then  our detailed course outline which  explains which functions are the most important.


Course is available for groups with Online Monitoring.


This online Excel training course is also available for  groups  where  real time usage  and certification can be tracked by an administrator. Click here for more details.


Quick Video Tour of our Excel Course.

Latest Clients of our Online Group Excel Course.


  Personalized Online Excel Course

Pivot table

From Beginners to Advanced  Excel Course.



Personalized For you.


Industry renowned Certificates of Completion.


Experienced Tutors.

Pivot table
Group Courses available.

Course Outline (click on boxes to reveal details)

Excel Courses online Overview.

Title Level Duration
What can Excel do? Beginners 7 mins monitor
Excel Ribbons and commands   Beginners 22 Mins
What different in Excel 2013 Beginners 12 Mins

Online Excel Training Course: Beginners Excel

Title Level Duration

Inputting & Formatting:

All types of Formatting,especially number and currency formatting will be covered in this Excel courses online. Also shows you how to delete formats correctly and how Excel views Formatting.

Beginners. 14 Mins

Introduction To Excel Formulas:

Shows the difference between a Formula and a Function. This module’s  of our online Excel training course emphasis is that Formulas ,like Functions simply automate a ‘Human Process’. Viewing it from this point of view makes Formulas and Functions must easier to understand. This module in our online Excel training course  finishes by providing a simple but powerful Two step method to create even complex formulas.

Beginners 14 mins


Introduction to Excel Functions:

This online Excel training course explains what Functions are and how to use them to their full potential. Covers the SUM,AVERAGE,MIN, MAX and COUNT Functions.

Beginners 16 Mins

Linking Worksheets & Workbooks:

An extremely important Excel skill to learn in our Excel courses online, as in real life workplace situations, data is kept in different worksheets and workbooks. This module shows various methods to access data from different worksheets & workbooks.

Beginners 17 Mins

Controlling Your Worksheets & Workbooks:

This module in our online Excel training course  will teach you how to freeze rows and columns, split your screen, size and hide your rows and columns. Also how to rename, move or copy your worksheets.

Beginners 18 Mins

Printing Your Worksheets and Workbooks:

Everything you need to know about printing your worksheets and workbooks.

Beginners 8 Mins  monitor

Protect your Spreadsheets:

Its vital,especially  if others will be using your spreadsheets that they are protected fully to insure integrity of your data. This module in our online Excel training Course shows you how.



Introduction to Data Analysis:

So much of your work in Excel will be spent dealing with lists or tables of information,whether it be a list of orders, suppliers,employees etc.
This module of our  online Excel training course starts of by stressing the importance of setting up your lists or tables property. Because without this, you cannot use Excel’s powerful data analysis tools like Filters, Advanced Filters and the SubTotal Tool. We will master all of these in this module of our online Excel training course

Beginners12 Mins

Excel Beginner’s Test and Certification:

Online Excel Training Course: Important Excel Concepts

Title Level Duration

Fundamental Excel Concepts:

Probably one of the most important module in our online Excel training course. I am always amazed that so many Excel  courses online  only give a few minutes to these concepts. This module explains the concepts of ‘Relative Reference’, ‘Absolute Reference’ and using ‘Cell references”. There is no point going any further in the course until you have mastered these three concepts. They are the very oxygen of Excel.

Intermediate 19 Mins

Named Ranges In Excel:

We will show how to create proper lists or databases in Excel. What is an Named range and how to create them?

Intermediate 9 Mins

Excel Tables

Like the above modules  this is another essential module you need to master, especially if your work in Excel involves analyzing large chunks of data. What is an Excel Table ?. How to create and use them and how they differ from ordinary lists and Named ranges.

The key points is that if you add data to the end of ordinary Excel lists, your Lookup Functions, your Named Ranges or your Pivot Tables will not automatically pick them up. The module will explain the answers and solutions to all these important questions

Intermediate 17 Mins

Online Excel Training Course: Excel Techniques





Conditional Formatting:

Conditional formatting allows you to format a cell or cells if a certain condition or conditions are met.
We will learn about the various conditional formatting methods including data bar, color scales and icon sets based on criteria like traffic lights. In the Advanced level, we will study how to combine conditional formatting with

Intermediate 20 Mins

Data Validation:

A lot of heartache can be avoided by using data validation techniques in your spreadsheet.
For example, if a cell requires a date, you can program that cell only to take a date, with it also flashing a warning notice to your users, ensuring data integrity.

Intermediate 12 Mins

Drop Down Boxes:

Drop-down lists should always be used in Excel if users have to input ‘constant data’ as only that data on the list can be chosen. This ensures data integrity. We will show various ways to create these drop-down lists.

Intermediate 7 Mins

Consolidate Data:

This technique will show how to consolidate data from various worksheets into one worksheet using the consolidation Tool.The great thing is that the data
can be of different length.

Intermediate 9 Mins

Error Types explained and How to handle them?

This section explains the various Excel errors types you might meet and how to handle them.Perticular attention is given to the powerful IFERROR Function with plenty of examples.

Intermediate 12 Mins

Formula Auditing:

Mistakes will occur in the best of spreadsheets. This module goes through the various formula audting techniques available to help you find these errors.

Intermediate 11 Mins

Form Controls

You can use software components like check boxes, combo boxes, spinners etc in your spreadsheets. Here you will learn how to create and manipulate these controls to give greater flexibility to your spreadsheets and forms.

Advanced 18 Mins

The Camera Tool In Excel:

You can take a picture of your data in Excel by using the camera tool. We will also use this tool later on when creating dynamic and interactive charts.

Beginners 4 Mins

Hyperlinks in Excel:

You can go to another worksheet by clicking on a hyperlink.These can be very useful if you a large number of worksheets and need to access them quickly. In this module, we will build such an example.

Beginners 4 Mins

Templates In Excel:

This module will show how to create Excel Templates, which can be used again and again. Various Templates are built to illustrate the required techniques.

Intermediate 20 Mins

The SubTotal Tool:

If you need to subtotal your data by various categories, this is a great tool to use. This module shows you how.

Beginners 9 Mins

Online Excel Training Course: Charts In Excel

Title Level Duration

Introduction to Excel Charts:

Learn about the various chart types in Excel, when you use each one and how to create and format them.

Beginners 12 mins

Solutions to common Chart Problems:

This module will show how to tackle many of the common problems you might encounter. For example, if one data series value is much lower that the other values, it won’t be seen clearly in your chart.The solution to this and other problems will be shown in this video.

Intermediate 17 Mins

Solutions to common Chart Problems: Part Two

More charts solutions including automatically highlighting the largest data series, formatting charts with negative values and others.

Intermediate 15 Mins  monitor

Dynamic Charts In Excel:

Techniques to create dynamic charts , very useful if space is an issue and for using in dashboards.

Intermediate 12 Mins

Interactive Charts In Excel:

Create charts which allow your users interactive with your charts.Great for comparative purposes. We build a few examples.

Intermediate 11 Mins

New Chart Features in Excel 2013.

In this module,we will learn about the new chart  features introduced in Excel 2013.

Intermediate 6 Mins

Online Excel Training Course: Intermediate Functions

Title Level Duration

The IF Function: The First Work-Horse Function.

In most work-place spreadsheets, two Functions can often accounts for over 50-60% of the functions used. They are Excel’s two work-horse Functions, the IF Function and the VLOOKUP Function. The IF function allows you automate decision making processes in Excel.
You will learn how to use the IF Functions and see it’s usage in various workplace situations. Special attention will be given to maximize its use by incorporating the three Essential Excel concepts. In the advanced section of the course, we build up the power of the IF Function by learning about nested IF functions and the AND & OR Functions.

Intermediate 15 Mins

The VLOOKUP Function: THE Second Work-Horse Function.

Imagine I asked you to look up 100 phone numbers in a paper-based phone book? What would you do? Firstly, you would notice that the book was sorted alphabetically , you would then search for the name and when you found it , you would move your eyes over the relevant record until you found the telephone number.
Well that’s what the VLOOKUP Function does. It just automates that human process of searching for a value in a record. But it will do the job in a fraction of a second.
Now imagine if all the thousands of pages of the phone book was mixed up. It could take you a week to find those 100 phone numbers but even that’s no problem to the VLOOKUP Function, it will still get you those 100 phone numbers in a fraction of a second.
This module will show you how to understand and build powerful VLOOKUP Functions in various situations. It will also explain the common problems that occur with VLOOKUP Functions.

Intermediate 19 Mins

The SUMIF & COUNTIF Functions: Two Useful Lieutenants

These two functions are very useful. They allow you to add or count items based on a condition. How many sales did Mary make and how much revenue occurred from these sales. The COUNTIF Function is
also used a lot in combination type functions. We will show you how to use these Functions with plenty of examples of using them in real life workplace
situations. In the advanced course, we will meet a new relation of these
Functions, the SUMIFS and COUNTIFS Functions. They arrived in the Excel 2007 version and are Functions you need to master, as they allow you to add or count items for Not just one condition but up to 100 conditions.

Intermediate 17 Mins

Working with Text:

This module shows how to manipulate Text in Excel. It looks at the’ &’ concatenate operator and the main Text Functions like LEFT, RIGHT, LEN,MID and FIND, STUBSTITUE Functions. These can be very handy if you need to clean up your text in Excel to make it ready for further analysis. It gives plenty of examples of these in use –like extracting a name or a city from an address text string.

Intermediate 26 Mins

Dates and Date Functions:

This module helps you understand dates in Excel, that they are just Numbers.We will then learn about the various date functions like DATE,DATEVALUE, WORKDAY, EOMONTH etc with plenty of reallife examples.

Intermediate 11 Mins

Time and Time Functions:

Learn to understand Time in Excel and the various Time Functions.

Intermediate 7Mins

Excel Intermediate Test and Certification:

Online Excel Training Course: Advanced Functions

Title Level Duration

INDEX & MATCH Functions: Dynamic control over all your Data.

The INDEX and MATCH Functions along with SUMIFS and SUMPRODUCT are the most important advanced type functions.
The INDEX and MATCH Functions when combined do everything that the VLOOKUP Function can do but more.

Unfortunately the VLOOKUP Function can only search from Left to Right from the first column in your defined table but the INDEX and MATCH Functions when combined can search from Right to Left or Left to Right from any column in your table. To be able to extract data from your table dynamically ,no matter where it is, you need to master these two Functions.

Advanced 16 Mins


We have already met the SUMIF & COUNTIF Functions but these only allow you test for one condition .
These new Functions, which came in the Excel 2007 version allow you to test for up to 100 conditions. Very powerful dynamic reports can be created from using these new functions. We will show you how to use them and also show their use when your data is in a Excel Table Format.

Advanced 15 Mins

SUMPRODUCT Function: Your First Glimpse of Arrays:

The SUMPRODUCT Function, does as it says , its sums the various products.

This Function is different from all the other functions you have used before because its takes a range of cells(array) as an argument.

This module will show you how to use this function with many examples but it will also introduce a very important advanced technique on how to deal with arrays in Excel. Once you get your mind around this techniques you will have no problem dealing with any array formula in Excel.

Advanced 14 Mins


If you want to ask Excel to move from a certain cell to another cell by itself and then grab some cells from this cell point, then call on the OFFSET Function. We will show practical examples of this Function in use and show how to build your own powerful OFFSET Functions.

The great practical use of the INDIRECT Function is that it can accept a text sting as a cell reference. This is great for creating dynamic ranges. We show many practical uses of this function in this module.

Advanced 12 Mins

Nested IF Functions with AND & OR Functions:

We will in this module build powerful nested IF Functions with AND & OR Functions, to create complex automatic decision making processes in your spreadsheets.

Advanced 15 Mins


Study the module on the SUMPRODUCT Function before you start this module.

In this module we will learn what is an Array and an Array Formula with examples of them in use in practical commercial situations. We will show how to create and use an Array Formula and look again at the important concept of Conditional Evaluation in an Array Formula.

Advanced 17 Mins

 Custom Formatting

In this module, we will learn how to create customized formats.

Advanced 15 Mins

 Excel Expert Test and Certification:

Online Excel Training Course: Pivot Tables In detail.

Title Level Duration

Overview of Pivot Tables:

Examples of what Pivot tables can do. Using a large data set, we will create various reports showing what you can achieve with Pivot tables. You will learn about the various ribbons and each Pivot table command button.

Advanced 10  Mins

Pivot Table Formatting:

Master the techniques to format your pivot tables.

Advanced 7 Mins

How to summarize Pivot table Values:

By default, Pivot Tables sums values.In this module we will learn how to summarize these values by averaging, counting , maximizing and minimizing them.

Advanced 6 Mins

Pivot Tables : Show vales as:

This section show how to manipulate the values in your Pivot Tables. By default, a pivot table sums values up. We show how to show these values in different ways. See your values as percentages, in relation to other subtotals, differences from other time periods etc

Advanced 14 Mins

Pivot Table Pictures:

In this module, we will learn how to take pictures of your pivot tables, maybe you want to insert them into a PowerPoint Presentation or a Word Document.

Advanced 2  Mins

Grouping Pivot Table data:

This module explains how we can group data in to bespoken group. We will especially look at the very important technique of grouping dates as most data has a date field.

Advanced 10 Mins

Understanding the Pivot table cache:

We will see in this module that Pivot tables are automatically created from the same internal memory. This can cause problems especially if you are grouping data, as changing the grouping of a set of values will change all the others groupings in your other pivot tables. We will show you  how to create independent Pivot tables.

Advanced 7  Mins

Calculated Fields  in Pivot Tables:

We can create new calculated fields in our Pivot Tables based on existing data. This module explains all you need to know.

Advanced 15 Mins

Calculated Items in Pivot Tables:

Learn about Calculated Items in Pivot tables. What they are, how to create them, how to use them and pitfalls to look out for.

Advanced 9 Mins

The GETPIVOTDATA Function in Pivot Table:

Pivot data is quiet volatile and it is quite difficult to grab data from pivot tables for further analysis. We will show in this module a possible solution to this problem whereby we can populated per-formated reports from our live Pivot Tables.


Advanced 18 Mins

New Pivot table Features in Excel 2013:

In this module, we will examine how Pivot tables have changed in the latest version of Excel ..version 2013, in particular the new Excel data model  which allows you combine data from different tables into one pivot table.


Advanced 10 Mins
Pivot Table Certification:

Our complete  ‘WorkPlace ‘ online Excel course will teach you how to use Excel for  ‘real life’ business usage. It will bring you from beginner’s level to advanced level.
In the complete ‘WorkPlace’ online Excel course, you will learn

Clients of our Excel Courses Online.