Do they have the required Excel Skills for this Position?

Free ‘Self Correcting’ Excel Testing Workbook
Find out for sure  within 20 Minutes



We have created a free to download “Self Correcting & Timing” Excel Testing Workbook ‘ which reveals job candidates  ‘actual’ Excel skill levels in terms of  both Knowledge and Timing.

Unfortunately, using multiple choice type Excel Tests or asking how them  how they would carry out  certain Excel tasks is not an accurate way of measuring their  actual Excel abilities or lack off.
Our  testing method  is different as candidates have to attempt 12 ‘real life’ practical Excel tasks on an actual Microsoft Excel workbook. 


The Workbook Checks if they can Complete these Tasks and  it also Benchmarks how Long it is Taking Them.


You, as the team leader or interviewer, don’t have to have any knowledge of Microsoft Excel as the Workbook itself self-corrects their solutions and it also times them as they complete the tasks. Finally it creates  a personalized assessment of their Excel skills with an

  1.  Efficiency  Rating.
  2.  Excel Skill  Grading
  3. Full Report  highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.

Group online excel courses for your employees

How to Use:

Users will need a minimum of 20 minutes to complete this assessment. They can skip a question by typing ‘s’ into the skip box beside each question. Skipping will incur a time fault.

Marks assigned to tasks are weighted relative to their importance as is the time taken to complete them. The skills rating will show a rating for both beginner and intermediate level.

The Excel Testing workbook contains NO macros, so it’s safe to download and works on all versions of Microsoft Excel from 2007 to Excel 365. Copies of the workbook are Free to download for you, your employees or for your job candidates.