A Practical Excel Course
For the Real-life Work Place.
Online Excel Courses
for You or your Team.

Online Excel Courses.

Learn at your own Pace.

Our trainers have created practical online Excel courses called ‘WorkPlace Excel’ designed for you or your team to succeed in their job.

Available for individuals and organizations, our Excel courses focuses on the essential  Excel concepts, tools, functions & formulas needed to be super productive in today’s real  world office environment.

Our Corporate version can handle from 3 to 1,00 users and  has full tracking features to monitor the progress of each user, online exams for each level, CPD/CEU accreditation  and comes with AI virtual assistant and and  live chat support for  you or your  team members  as they study what they need for their job.

Now used and trusted by over 3,000 companies ,organizations and colleges  worldwide.
Try out our corporate version  with our no obligation , 3 day full Free Trial . Click Here.

Setting up your own corporate online Excel learning portal is easy

  1. Email us  the first & last name and email address for each user  and the group leader(s) .
  2. We set up everything up.
  3. Your team members’ login and learn.
  4. We invoice you.

Group online excel courses for your employees

—-We have added a brand New Level .

” Using Excel with AI “

AI tools like ChatGPT and CoPilot  are allowing us do really complicated tasks that took  lots of time in now, a matter of minutes. This technology is a total game changer.

  1. You can automate routine low-value tasks.
  2. Use it as an easy way to check your work.
  3. Create complex formulas from just description of them.
  4. And learning  these tools will help you stay on the cutting edge and keep you competitive in your field.

Imagine being an data  analyst today who had never learned spreadsheets or how to use the internet. We’re likely going to be saying the same thing about ChatGPT and other AI tools in the near future.

Six Standalone Online Excel Courses in One.

Uniquely our online Excel course contains Six  Excel courses in the one package with ‘content updated’ access. Our on demand course comes  with 12 hours of HD videos with a practice workbook for each lesson. Support from  an AI virtual assistant  and online Live chat support.

  1. Beginners Excel
  2. Intermediate Excel
  3. Advanced Excel
  4. Pivot tables.
  5. Using Excel with Artificial Intelligence.
  6. Power Excel.

See  the full  online excel course syllabus here.

Become The Excel Guru in your WorkPlace.

Master  Excel from absolute beginners to the most  advanced tools like the DAX  language , Power Pivots and Now, using it with AI.

Our Online Excel course  also gives you ..

  • Online repeatable exams for each Course level.
  • CPD/CEU  accreditation.
  • Work at your own pace. Pause and re-PLAY  the lessons as often as you want.
  • Live Excel chat support from Excel tutors available every day as you study.
  • Covers all Excel versions  from 2010, 2013, 2016,  2019 and  Excel 365.
  • Lifetime Licences,  updated for every new Excel version.  It’s your online excel course for life.

Quick Video Tour of the Online Excel Courses.

This four minute video will give you a quick overview of our online Excel course.
Learn about the different Excel Course Levels and topics within each course. Note the practice spreadsheets available for each lesson, the different Certification levels and learn how to use our online excel courses for its maximum benefit.

To View Sample Video Lessons. Click Here.

How Long will it take to Master Each Course level.

The complete online Excel course contains 12 hours of video lessons.
Allowing for  a minimum of one to two hour of practice for each hour of Video, you  should master the whole online excel course with about 24-36 hours of study.
Repeatable online Exams available at end of each level to get your certified Certificates.

Beginners Level:            2 hours of videos
Intermediate Level:       3 hours of videos
Advanced  Level:            3 hours of videos
Pivot Tables:                    2 hours of videos
Using Excel with AI
       1  1/2 hours of Video
Power Excel                     2 Hours of videos

online excel course syllabus



As Group Leader, you can track the progress of each user in real time:

  • What lessons they have done.
  • Time they spent on each lesson and  Excel  level.
  • Results of their online Excel assessments  and  certificates achieved.
  • You can create separate Teams with Team leaders who can track their own users.

Watch the video above to see it in operation.

A Practical Excel Course for your Team.

Try it out with our 3 day Full Free Trial.

Team leaders,  our ‘WorkPlace’ Online Excel course will  explode your team members’  Excel  productivity. Our  Corporate /University  version can handle from 3 to 1,000 users.

  • You can track  the progress of your staff in real time from your desktop.
  • Suitable for all your staff   as our course covers all 6 skills levels  from absolute beginners to Power Excel and now Excel with AI.
  • Each employee gets their own unique login.
  • All Login accounts and group administrator accounts set up for you.
  • Our online Excel  Course is Web based so No  IT integration required.
  • You can test your employees progress with online assessments for each standalone  level. Certificates of completion and CPD points  available.
  • Lifetime ‘content  updated’  Licences  for each user.
  • Covers all Excel Versions from 2010 to  Excel 365
  • From  $69 per user. Payment can be by Invoice or Online.

Order Now or to Test it out  with our  3 Day Full Free Trial, Click Here

Companies that Trust Our Online Excel Courses.


What is accredited CPD/CEU Training?
Our online excel courses with certification is an accredited CPD/CEU course. This means the online Microsoft excel courses  have reached the required continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks.
Their  learning value has been scrutinized to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD/CEU Certification standards body (https://www.cpdstandards.com/)  provides recognized independent CPD/CEU accreditation compatible with global CPD /CEU requirements.
All our online Microsoft excel courses with certification are CPD Certified when you complete each course and its associated online exam.


  ORDER Today .

Free Resources

What are my Team’s  Actual Excel  Skills ?
Find out for Sure  in 20 Minutes.

Our  ‘Free”  unique  ‘ Testing  Excel Workbook’  requires  your  staff  to complete  twelve practical ‘real life’  Excel  tasks on an  actual Microsoft Excel workbook. The workbook then times  and  auto-corrects their solutions.
To Learn more & download your free copies , Click Here.

Excel on a Page -Our new FREE Infographic.

We have  condensed the essence of Excel syntax , 100’s of  formula tasks down into one page.
Ideal for saving to your Laptop, Table or Smart Phone for Quick Reference.

To Learn more and Download your Free Copy, Click Here.

FREE 1,200 page  Excel Reference Guide.

Download our  1,000+ page  Microsoft Excel Reference book  which  contains over   “625 Excel Questions with  Answers” .
Contact us for your complementary copy.