The ‘University Event Planner ‘ Excel Template:

Download for Free.


Planning an  event can be a stressful  and exacting task, requiring an eye for detail and excellent project management skills.

Our   ‘University Event Planner ‘ Excel template  combines both of these skills  , helping to organize and track the organization of the event, saving  hours of time and ensuring no  important details are forgotten.

The  ‘University Event ‘ Excel Planner Template allows you...

  1. Access a checklist of 170+ potential tasks so no important detail or task is forgotten .
  2. Each of the 170+ tasks has been assigned a planning status.
  3. Specific category.
  4. Priority level.
  5. Suggested Time allowed for completion of the task.
  6. Advice and help about that task.


Track Progress:

Tasks can then be

  1. Assigned to different Team members for completion.
  2. A cost attached to them.
  3. A priority level chosen and each task can be tracked.
  4. You can track overall progress and the progress of each team member in real time.
  5. Monitor your event  Budget


Fully customize it for your College

.All tasks, categories, stages, priority, person responsible, dates, help comments, contact lists, venue details  and status items are all fully editable.So you can customize the template for any event and any college.

Created for use in all versions of Microsoft Excel from 2007 to 2019 , it contains No Macros and does Not require any additional software.


Real Time Reporting Dashboard.

Keep track of the complete event planning progress and each team member’s progress.The Dashboard screen gives you an up-to-the-minute real time view of you event  planning progress, – tasks completed, budget spent, % of tasks completed and uncompleted, tasks overdue and a report on each team member’s progress.

“University Event Planner ” Excel Template
