The ‘Conference & Venue Planner ‘
Excel Template:

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Planning a conference can be a stressful  and exacting task. It requires an eye for detail and great project management skills.Our tracking checklist Excel template  combines these two skills and will  help you organize your conference , saving you hours of time and ensuring you don’t forget any important details.

It can be used for small meetings to large scale conferences with its comprehensive checklist of 170+ possible tasks linked with full tracking features Never forget an important detail again.

Each of the 170+ possible tasks has been assigned a

1. Planning Status.
2. Advice & help in carrying out the task.
3. Specific Category.
4. Priority Level.
5. Suggested time period for completion of the task .

Each task can then be

1. Assigned to a Team Member for completion.
2. Have a Cost attached for it.
3. Priority Level chosen for it .
4. Each Task is then tracked.
5. Budget  for the event/conference is automatically tracked.

Also every part of the template is fully editable – all tasks, categories, stages, priority, person responsible, dates and status items, so it can be customized by the user for their own organization .

Real Time Reporting Dashboard.

Keep track of the complete conference/event   planning progress and each team member’s progress.
The Dashboard screen gives you an up-to-the-minute real time view of you event  planning progress, – tasks completed, budget spent, % of tasks completed and uncompleted, tasks overdue and a report on each team member’s progress.

Created for use in all versions of Microsoft Excel from 2007 to 2019 , it contains No Macros and does Not require any additional software.

Choosing the Ideal Venue for your event:

The venue evaluation worksheet allows you keep notes on up to 25 ranking factors for each venue you are considering using .

 Conference & Venue Planner.
